Insurance Companies Most Likely to Pay Without a Problem, According to Medical Billers

Our mission here at is to help you succeed in your position as a healthcare provider—to support your mission of rightfully serving your patients and providing them with the best healthcare services available. Now, we also want to enable you in accomplishing that goal. And we plan to do that by feeding you valuable information on the various insurance companies you work with on a day to day basis.

To get you that fresh, valuable information, we surveyed 10 medical billers about their experience with some of the most popular insurance companies out there. Subject matter varied with each question, but one asked the participants to think back on pleasant experiences with these insurers. And to ultimately answer the following: Which insurance company is most likely to pay without a problem?

As you review the results of this survey, consider this: the medical billers were instructed to pick just one company that is most likely to pay without a problem. It’s possible, even likely, that they’ve had pleasant experiences with other insurers, which they could not delve into here.

medical licensure

As you can see above, 50% of the medical billers surveyed said that Blue Cross Blue Shield is most likely to pay without a problem. The remaining 50% of those surveyed split their answers between Aetna, Cigna, and Magellan: 20% said that Aetna is most likely to pay without a problem, while another 20% voted for Cigna, and the last 10% for Magellan. Additional information about these companies can be found below.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
Again, half of the medical billers surveyed said they can rely on Blue Cross Blue Shield to pay without a problem. This insurance company provides services to one in three Americans, according to their site. Their ultimate mission is to build as well as support reliable healthcare programs that benefit communities all across America. Furthermore, they hope to remove fear and instill hope in their customers.

Another 20% of the votes went to Aetna, an insurance company that traces their roots back to 1853. Aetna is dedicated to providing a wide range of individuals—from employers to health care professionals and others—with a number of services and benefits. According to Chairman, CEO and President Mark Bertolini, the company’s values “carry though [their] thoughts and actions every day, inspire innovation in [their] products and services, and drive [their] commitment to excellence…” These values include simplicity, focus, and connection.

This company, which is committed to helping their customers improve their health and wellbeing, also received 20% of the votes. Cigna has been around for over 200 years, but it has since developed into the insurance company so many know, love, and trust. Today, their ultimate mission is to work proactively, personally, and empathetically with their 95 million customers in every nook and cranny of the world. Furthermore, the team knows the value of true partnership.

The last few votes (10% overall) were in favor of Magellan: a company dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of every individual that they serve. To do so, they cater to behavioral, physical, pharmaceutical, and social needs in a way that is personalized as well as cost-effective. In addition, the Magellan team ultimately works and strives to enable their clients lead healthy, vibrant lives.

In Conclusion
Based on the survey results, Blue Cross Blue Shield is a reliable insurance company to work with, one that will pay without a problem. Additionally, Aetna, Cigna, and Magellan are known to pay without a problem. That being said, the medical billers were instructed to vote for one company; therefore, there are likely other companies out there that these billers are happy to work with and that make quick and easy payments.

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