

Can You Enroll With Medicare?

Can You Enroll With Medicare? May 1, 2022 Specialties Don’t Make You Special…to insurance companies that is.One of the most common questions I hear in credentialing after an application is…

How Long Does the Credentialing Process Take?

How Long Does the Credentialing Process Take? April 1, 2022 On average, it takes three to four months for credentialing (and contracting) to occur so you can accept patients. However,…

What is Medical Credentialing: How It Works?

What is Medical Credentialing: How It Works? March 28, 2022 Medical credentialing is about checking details of qualification, career history, training, residency, education, license and specialty related certificate of a…

Insurance Companies Least Likely to Audit You, According to Medical Billers

Insurance Companies Least Likely to Audit You, According to Medical Billers January 1, 2022 As medical providers, part of your job demands you work with insurance companies on a daily…

The Highest Paying Insurance Companies, According to Medical Billers

The Highest Paying Insurance Companies, According to Medical Billers November 1, 2021 As medical providers, you understand likely more than anybody else how important health insurance is—we all need it…