May 25, 2020
Starting on January 30, 2020, Cigna has begun adding provider reviews to their provider directories. Cigna will begin sending surveys to members only after a claim has been successfully processed for the member. They will then verify the reviews so that members are able to utilize reviews to help choose a Cigna network provider. The provider types that this service will apply to are listed below: -Primary Care -Pediatric -Chiropractic -Dermatology -Ophthalmology -Podiatry
Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) have updated provider enrollment applications and have also included a new Affordable Care Act (ACA) most frequently asked questions sheet that will let providers know how to navigate the new challenges brought on by the ACA.
Medicare has announced that their application fee for institutional providers will be $595 for the 2020 calendar year. This fee applies to new institutional providers that are initially enrolling with Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP, revalidating their enrollment, or are adding a new practice location.
The credentialing procedure comprises different processes such as offering credentialing, provider enrolment, and giving the service’s privilege.
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