June 1, 2022
Common factors related to depression
Are you suffering from depression, or symptoms of depression? Is someone you know displaying symptoms of depression? If so, then consider reading through this short list of common causes related to the disease of depression.
It is possible for individuals to be predisposed to symptoms of depression based on their hereditary background. Many researchers claim that particular genes, combined with environmental factors, can make a person more “at risk” than another, causing depression.
2. Stress
When going through a traumatic episode, such as the loss of a loved one or another type of tragedy, it is normal for a person to go through a down time. We all have these periods of time when we are sad or feeling “blue,” but depression can come about if these feelings of sadness are not handled.
Sometimes, people will use defense mechanisms to process their grief, and this can be very unhealthy for their mental health. As a result, feelings of sadness are prolonged and can become depression.
3. Change
Depression can also be caused by drastic changes in one’s life. These changes can include moving locations or even a change of the seasons. These are environmental factors, and they typically cause depression when combined with genetic, biological and psychological factors.
4. Chemical Dependency
Smokers and drinkers are at risk for depression, due to the correlation researchers have found between depressive symptoms and dependency on chemicals, such as nicotine. This can be a “chicken or the egg” scenario, however, due to the inherent complexity of the actual onset of depression.
In Conclusion
As you can see from this list, depression (and symptoms of it) can be caused by a wide variety of situations, many of which aren’t listed here. If you are already suffering from symptoms of depression, we recommend that you visit a counselor in your area as soon as you are able. Though depression is a serious mental illness, it is also considered by many to be one of the most treatable mental disorders in the world.
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